Light at The End

Light at The End

2022 had started vigorously, making strides in the direction I wanted my art to head towards, but as the year progressed, the momentum from the new year started to diminish until I realized I had stopped. Life on the outside had invaded my peace that was believed to be forged from Damascus - and folded that peace like sheet metal. When the momentum stopped, I found myself in more moments where I had wished I brought my camera along with me and I hadn’t, and those are moments I regret the most from this year

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Photography Year in Review

Photography Year in Review

Camera in hand on New Year, I wanted to dedicate this year to creating more and taking more pictures. In 2021, I took pics whenever an opportunity to be creative presented itself. Photography became therapy for me in 2021 - I went shooting 75/365 days this year, and this is my photography year in review.

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A Superior Misadventure

A Superior Misadventure

Feelings of conflict and uncertainty took over my essence and among one of the most beautiful places I had ever visited, I felt completely helpless. My only wish at that moment was to be able to get home safely.

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Since California, I knew I wanted to travel back to the west. But with only a week and no plane ticket to LAX, I decided to see the state of Colorado and to stand at the foothills of the Rockies. I caught the adventure bug, so soon after I finished my two weeks I packed my bags, maintenance my car, and got my supplies in tow to conquer Colorado.

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Godhood and Humanity

Godhood and Humanity

God found itself in a paradigm. Upon ushering in humanity, God is faced with two options, retain power over us, or relinquish power to us. Option one: God retains power and its existence is a fact among all of us, making God none more special than a preconceived notion. Or option two: God relinquishes power to us and allows us to discover him, making God’s existence meaningful and triumphant.

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The Passage of Time and my First Video

This is my first attempt at making a video, and I am pleased with the result, I hope you all enjoy it!

Video Transcript:

How would you describe the passage of time? Does it read from left to right, like a book? The title of this content would suggest so, I mean the word passage is a synonym for text.

How ironic.

I would describe the passage of time as unapologetic.

Time knows no master; time is something that predates as old as existence – they were created in tandem after all. But unlike existence, time never knows when to stop.

It’s funny how we try to quantify the passage of time as constant cycles, but that is also incorrect; life knows cycles, time only understand continuance.

Time’s continuance is known to everything. Time’s continuance is what robs us of joyous moments we wished lasted forever. Time’s continuance is also what lifts us from lasting moments of sorrow that we thought would never end. No matter how much we desire to stay in one place, we will never win against time.

Time flows as a line within empty space, once it is introduced to gravitational forces of matter, only then does it start to shift and morph. At our basic level, we are matter, so in turn, as time flows around us, it distorts. Sometimes time feels as if it’s trudging, and other times it feels as if we can’t keep up. Time is subjective, like many other things, to its beholder. For myself, it shifts and changes based upon my state of being, my emotions, and my surroundings. All these factors play into my perception of its passage.

In this segment of time that we labeled as 2020, everyone’s tolerance for ambiguity was tested. To be honest, in this allowance of time, I had hit my deepest mental low. It was as if solitude hit me with a brick. The events and the people I would fill my time with were now replaced with loneliness.

Without the regular stimuli, I had realized that I’ve only been going through the motions. I’d only fill my time with those things that would bring myself fleeting happiness, but in these pursuits, I found that the only thing that would fill in the gaps of happiness is dread.

By only focusing on maintaining a constant state of happiness, we avoid all of life’s other stimuli, the sadness, the joy, the fear, the excitement, and the contentment. To be alive is to be stimulated, and to only find one avenue for stimuli, life becomes mundane, and in turn, filled with anguish.

I am filled with anguish.

2020 forced myself into my own company, and into my own mind. The person I criticize most is myself, and the place that I am most uncomfortable with is within my own thoughts. By doing so it made me face not only my thoughts, but my own desires for myself, and in those months isolated I realized I needed to reevaluate my means of achieving those desires.

I had always longed to live a happy life, but happiness is only one piece of the puzzle. Longing for happiness only brings about stagnation, and with stagnation comes anxiety. With anxiety comes the time for continuation down the passage. Time will never allow myself to stay in one spot because it must push things forward.

To look for only happiness was foolish, and now I realize that in order to be complete, I must find what fulfills me. I must find what gives me my purpose. Whatever my purpose is yet to still be discovered, but I now realize I must be as continuous as time, allowing myself to enjoy pleasure, live through sorrow, but never dwell.

 I must be as unapologetic as time with all my decisions and walk my passage undisturbed by other’s timelines for me.

An Ode to Sunsets and Sunrises

An Ode to Sunsets and Sunrises

The colors of sunsets are the most stunning after the sun has set and the colors of sunrises are the prettiest before it has arisen. There’s something extraordinary waking up hours before dawn while it’s still dark out and watching the gradient of darkness turn into surreal pastel hues as the sun begins to illuminate the sky below the horizon before it eventually breaks through that barrier.

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Maximizing Our Minuscule Nature

Maximizing Our Minuscule Nature

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve heard is: a lesson learned is a lesson shared. So here’s a quick lesson, the law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form into another.

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Self Acceptance

Self Acceptance

Learning to accept who you are rather than how people perceive you to be is one of life’s greatest challenges. Here I face who I am as an individual, and what I want to grow towards.

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The Wings of Hermes

The Wings of Hermes

Being lost and not having a direction are synonymous, so in this blog, I talk about my battle with my thoughts and what I do get out of my own head.

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2020: Hardships and Creativity

2020: Hardships and Creativity

2020 brought a new pandemic and a new way for me to look at life. Over the course of 2019, I felt bulletproof but coming into this new year and getting thrown out of the loop, I rediscovered my love for photography.

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First Photo Dump of 2019

It’s been a quick minute since I’ve hit up this blog, but I’ve been busy lately with school so this has been on the back of my mind. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been working to improve my craft. These are some of the best photos so far this year. Trying to keep up with everything is difficult but once things settle down, there will be more photos, but more importantly, higher quality images.

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New Year, New Grind

Being away from school for the past three weeks has given me ample opportunity to go out and shoot. I’m lucky enough to have friends who are willing to stand in front of the camera for me. So lately, I’ve been out shooting trying to hone my skills.

I’m impressed of how far I’ve come since I’ve started, but I know I have plenty of room to continue to grow, and I hope 2019 will bring closer to where I want to be. Big strides or little steps, I have to keep on improving, No steps backwards this year.

These are the people that have really helped and guided me towards where I am today, without them, I wouldn’t be anywhere close to this level. I’m glad I can call these individuals my friends.

My original mentor, and one of biggest inspirations. She has helped me and has seen grow almost exponentially.

My original mentor, and one of biggest inspirations. She has helped me and has seen grow almost exponentially.

One of my models since the beginning. She’s been letting me use her face for my photography, and is always willing to shoot.

One of my models since the beginning. She’s been letting me use her face for my photography, and is always willing to shoot.

My main, the OG. She has been always willing to shoot with me, never afraid to give me insight, but always keeping the mood up.

My main, the OG. She has been always willing to shoot with me, never afraid to give me insight, but always keeping the mood up.

My guy, he started shooting just after me, but his shooting game has improved tremendously. Always up to shoot, always up to model, never a dull moment

My guy, he started shooting just after me, but his shooting game has improved tremendously. Always up to shoot, always up to model, never a dull moment

This man has been here since I was shooting lighthouses. Immense knowledge and talent, always willing to give advice, and always willing to shoot.

This man has been here since I was shooting lighthouses. Immense knowledge and talent, always willing to give advice, and always willing to shoot.

Back at It

As of lately, my life has been pretty crazy. School and work don’t really leave much time for photography. But now I’m on winter break and I’ve been trying to get back into it a bit. I met up with one of my closest friends and made some magic happen


Coast Guard Festival 2k18

During this time every year, the city of Grand Haven hosts a festival to honor our nation's Coast Guard, This year the cream team set out to take awesome pictures during the light show that the carnival provides


Cream Team

A bunch of my friends and I are all really into photography, so we all decided to band together to make one big photography unit so we could all go out and shoot and have a blast while doing so. These are the photos from the last session. We were out at the local state park beach for the golden hour and sunset.
